Lymphedema is considered "reversible" if a patient presents with very soft pitting edema with no fibrosis, write the authors. 作者认为如果患者表现为轻度凹陷性水肿不伴有纤维症时,淋巴水肿是“可逆的”。
There was slight pitting edema over both legs. 两下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。
There was slight pitting edema over both legs. There was no strength in him anymore and his legs folded, his body sagged. 两下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。他身上没有任何力气,两腿圈起,身子瘫下去了。
This is "pitting" edema because, on physical examination, you can press your finger into the skin and soft tissue and leave a depression. 体格检查时,手指按压相应皮肤和软组织,手指离开后凹陷不能立即恢复。
Twelve cases were followed up for 12 to 38 months. No abdominal distention, ascites or pitting edema in lower extremities appeared. 随访12例,随访时间12~38个月,无腹胀、腹腔积液及下肢凹陷性水肿。
Remitted Seronegative Symmetrical Synovitis with Pitting Edema Syndrome: Report of 4 Cases and Literature Review 缓解型血清阴性对称性滑膜炎伴凹陷性水肿综合征4例报告并文献复习
Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema: A case report 缓和的血清阴性的对称性滑膜炎伴凹陷性水肿一例报告
Remitted seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome: clinical analysis of 21 cases 缓解性血清阴性的对称性滑膜炎伴可凹陷性水肿综合征21例分析